Being Healthy Life
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Being Healthy Life

‘Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa’ is in the Indonesian Language it says, ‘What medicine is Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel?’.

In this article, we will show you the best results and favourable prices of Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel. So stay with us till end for better results.

1. Salep Lumbar Yg Asli Original Obat Syaraf Kejepit Salep Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Lumbar Cold Compress Gel Asli Krim Lumbar Salep Cina APDMP

Salep Lumbar Yg Asli Original Obat Syaraf Kejepit Salep Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Lumbar Cold Compress Gel Asli Krim Lumbar Salep Cina APDMP

Price: Rp30.000

Rating: 5 Penilaian

Quantity: 3 Pcs


Hendi P

Alhamdulillah barang diterima dengan baik sesuai dengan deskripsi toko amanah murah bisa buat jualan terimakasih mudah mudahan bermanfaat soalnya masih segel belum dicoba.


bagus tidak mengecewakan, pokoknya puas

2. Paket 3 Pcs Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Krim Pereda Sakit Pinggang Lutut Dan Tulang

Price: Rp20.000

Rating: 10 Penilaian

Quantity: 3 Pcs

Brand: APDMP

Product Name: Cold compress gel

Specification: 20g

Shelf life: 3 years

Type: For lumbar spine

Intended use: For physical cold compress for pain, soreness, swelling and other discomfort.

Contraindications: Pregnant women are prohibited, open wounds are prohibited.



tokonya amanah, barang yang datang sesuai dengan pesanan, terima kasih semuanya


barang sudah diterima sesuai pesanan

Ch. E.

Maaf baru diulas, barang sesuai dan cukup serta kemasan rapih kurir rajin dan langgangan terima kasih sudah amanah.

3. { PAKET HEMAT 10 PCS } lumbar spine cooling gel cold compress gel krim pereda nyeri pinggang 20 gram

Price: Rp49.999

Rating: 6 Penilaian

Quantity: 10 pcs



paket sdh di terima, sangat efektif utk meredakan nyeri otot, nyeri sendi n kesemutan


paket Lumbarnya sudah diterima dan sdah di coba, hangat dipakainya, terima kasih Lazada

4. Meltblown Lumbar cold compress gel ori spine cooling gel APGMA APDMP

Price: Rp5.478

Rating: 4458 Penilaian

Quantitiy: 1 pc

Brand: Meltblown

SKU: 8016136015_ID-14439596444

Treatment & Uses: pain;gout

Ointment and Cream Type: Ointment

Consisting of 2 Hot and Cold Variants

APDMP = Hot Variant For Those Who Like Hot Sensations On The Skin
APGMA = Cold Variant For Those Who Don’t Like Hot Sensations On The Skin



Sudah di coba dan enak cepet nyerap dan terasa hangat lbh lama ga begitu panas sih. Cocok utk saat pegal2 dan linu. Makasih ya Kak

mah S.

Memberikan kenyamanan yang menenangkan, Praktis dan mudah digunakan, Menghilangkan nyeri punggung dengan efektif, Promo: Dapatkan kupon 18.000RP,

Nana P

Kompres dingin yang tahan lama, Praktis dan mudah digunakan, Pengiriman cepat dan dapat diandalkan,

5. Lumbar cold compres gel ori spine coling gel APGMA APDMP

Price: Rp25.000

SKU: 8354080428_ID-14778470790

Country of origin: Other

Model: topical medication

Treatment & Uses: Pain and Itch Relief

Warranty: No

Packaging Type: Single Package

unit_metric: pcs

shelf_expiry: Correct

Ointment and Cream Type: Ointment

Benefits of Lumbar Ointment

  • Treating Pinched Nerves
  • Overcoming Lower Back Pain
  • Overcoming Back Pain
  • Overcoming Muscle Pain
  • Overcoming Joint Pain
  • Overcoming Knee Pain
  • Overcoming Gout
  • Treating Rheumatism
  • Overcoming Cholesterol
  • Remove Lumps
  • Overcoming Numbness
  • Overcoming Tingling
  • Overcoming Itchy Allergies2
  • Overcoming Numbness
  • Coping with Injuries
  • Overcoming Neck Pain
  • Overcoming Back Pain

Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa is a popular product for relieving back pain, and many customers have given positive reviews about its effectiveness. If you’re looking for a reliable Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa, consider the options listed above.


Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa can be used to treat various types of pain, including lower back pain, muscle pain, and joint pain. With its cold compress gel formula, Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa provides quick relief from pain and discomfort.

Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa is also easy to use and can be applied directly to the affected area. Overall, Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa is a great option for those looking for a reliable and effective pain relief solution. Lumbar Spine Cooling Gel Obat Apa is available at various prices, ranging from Rp5.478 to Rp49.999, making it an affordable option for many customers.